Ne spreglejte: pri plačilu po predračunu, znaša poštnina le 2,50€, pri nakupu nad 40€ pa je brezplačna.
Dostavu za nas vrši GLS - General Logistical Services d.o.o. Sve naruđbe predane na web stranici radnim danima do 13h odaju se kuririma isti dan. Dostava u Hrvatsku traje nekoliko dana, u principu ne više od 7 radnih dana.
Cijena dostave u Hrvatskoj je 5,50 €, iznad 50 € poštarinu plačamo mi.
We currently ship to:
The delivery will be made via GLS - General Logistical Services. If your order comes through by 13h, we ship the same working day. Expected time of delivery varies from 5 to 10 working days, but your parcel should reach you faster than that.
Payment for CRO, AT, GER, NETH, HUN, CZE, Slovakia is possible throug PayPal, with credit cards or advance payment through your bank. Payment on delivery is possible only for Slovenia.